Friday, September 25, 2009

Slow and steady wins the race!

Has to be my new motto! I am down another pound. I'll take it! I had a few cupcakes over the weekend from Austin's party, followed by a few chocolate chip cookies. So the fact that the rest of my week was good and I still hit the gym 4 times is fabulous! I'm also down to a new digit in my weight so that's exciting! I'm not ready to say where I am give me another 10 lbs. LOL I'm down 9 altogether now.

Oh and I also figured out the false really low weight that one week. This morning when I first stepped on the scale it told me I was 4 lbs lighter that I really am. I was like no way did I lose 5 lbs. So I moved the scale and tried again and was down 1 lb. Which was much more believable. So I felt the floor with my foot. It's believed in that spot! LOL

Fun weekend ahead. Last 2 performances of Macbeth for Kacey, I'm selling tickets tonight so I should be able to see the play again myself! Bailey has a soccer tournament, so 2 games tomorrow (have to leave at 6 am! Yuck on that part! LOL) and at least 1 on Sunday.

But what will I be doing on Sunday you ask????????

I'm going to see...


I'm taking Kacey for her 16th, yes I said 16! Birthday! Wohoo! It will be our first musical of this caliber. My mom and Tom are going with us. I'm so excited!!!

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